
Things to do in Newport in February 2024

by Ryan John

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Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by Ryan John

As the chill of winter embraces Newport, RI, the city comes alive with the warmth of community spirit and vibrant festivities and there are so many things to do in Newport in February 2024. February in Newport is not just about the serene snowscapes and the tranquil sea; it’s a time when the city bursts into life with the much-anticipated Newport Winter Festival. Celebrating its 36th year, the festival, scheduled from February 16th to 25th, 2024, promises a kaleidoscope of activities that cater to all ages, making it the perfect winter getaway for families, couples, and solo adventurers alike​​​​.

A Festival Like No Other

The Newport Winter Festival is more than just an event; it’s a tradition that encapsulates the heart and soul of Newport. With over 150 events spread across ten days, the festival is a testament to the city’s rich culture, offering an array of food, music, and fun and ensures that there are many things to do in Newport in February 2024. Imagine a winter wonderland where every turn brings a new adventure, from culinary competitions to live music, and interactive workshops to outdoor activities. It’s a celebration that transforms the cold days of February into a warm embrace of community and joy​​.

Highlights of the Festival

Among the plethora of activities, the festival boasts some must-attend events that have become a staple of the Newport winter experience:

  • Eagles Experience and Jimmy Buffett Tribute: Music lovers are in for a treat with performances that pay homage to the legends of rock and roll and the king of Margaritaville. These tribute bands bring the classics back to life, ensuring an evening of sing-alongs and nostalgia​​.
  • Silent Disco at OceanCliff Hotel: A modern twist to the dance party, where you can groove to your favorite beats through wireless headphones. With multiple channels playing different genres, it’s a unique way to dance the night away​​.
  • The Princess Party: A magical event for the little ones, where fairy tales come to life, and every child gets to feel like royalty​​.
  • Comedy Show and Silent Disco: Laughter fills the air as comedians take the stage, followed by a silent disco that lets you dance like nobody’s watching​​.
  • Mac and Cheese Smack Down: Dubbed “The Cheesiest Event Rhode Island Has Ever Seen,” this competition pits local chefs against each other to see who can create the most mouthwatering mac and cheese dish​​.

Embracing Winter in Newport

The Newport Winter Festival is a beacon of joy during the coldest months, offering a perfect blend of indoor comfort and outdoor adventure. It’s an opportunity to explore Newport’s historic beauty under a blanket of snow, to taste the local cuisine at its festive best, and to immerse oneself in the vibrant culture of this coastal city. Whether you’re warming up with a bowl of competition-winning chili or dancing under the stars at a silent disco, the festival ensures that your winter in Newport will be filled with unforgettable memories.

Beyond the festival, Newport in February offers the charm of quiet streets, cozy cafes, and breathtaking winter sunsets over the ocean. It’s a time to experience the city’s renowned hospitality, discover its architectural marvels and historic sites without the summer crowds, and enjoy a peaceful retreat that rejuvenates the soul.

Things to Do in Newport in February 2024

As you prepare for your February getaway to Newport, remember to bundle up and embrace the chill, for the city offers warmth in its community, beauty in its winter landscape, and excitement in its festival offerings. The Newport Winter Festival is not just an event; it’s an experience that highlights the best of Newport in winter, promising joy, entertainment, and a wealth of memories that will last a lifetime. There are so many things to do in Newport in February 2024

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