
Things to Do in Newport in April 2024

by Ryan John

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As the Northeast shakes off the winter chill, there are so many things to do in Newport in April 2024. April ushers in a season brimming with vibrant life and activities. From the golden bloom of daffodils to the bustling energy of marathons and beer festivals, Newport in April is a testament to the city’s lively spirit and its embrace of spring. Let’s dive into the events that make Newport a premier destination this April.

Newport Daffodil Days (April 1-30)

April in Newport is synonymous with the dazzling display of over 1,200,000 daffodils painting the city in hues of yellow. The entire month is a celebration of these blooms, promising a series of events, from bike rides adorned in daffy yellow to garden parties that welcome spring in all its glory​​​​.

The Newport Night Run (April 6)

For those who love to combine fitness with philanthropy, the Newport Night Run lights up the night. This event is not just a race; it’s an experience, winding through the illuminated streets of Newport and supporting local non-profits​​.

Newport Rhode Races (April 13)

Athletes and enthusiasts look forward to the Newport Rhode Races, featuring a marathon, half marathon, and 5K. Starting at the picturesque Easton’s Beach, participants will dash through the daffodils, making it a “must-run” event of the season​​​​.

Newport Beer Festival (April 20)

Beer aficionados rejoice as the Newport Beer Festival returns to Fort Adams State Park. With over 50 breweries offering more than 150 selections, the festival promises an afternoon of craft beer delight, complemented by delicious food and live music​​.

Daffodil Days Events

  • Daffodil Bike Ride (April 8): A leisurely 4-mile ride through Newport’s blooming landscapes, celebrating the beauty of spring on two wheels​​.
  • Easter Egg Hunt at Castle Hill Inn (April 8): A family-friendly event featuring an egg hunt across the lawn, refreshments, and a visit by the Easter Bunny​​.
  • Driving Miss Daffodil Classic Car Parade (April 24): A parade showcasing classic cars amid Newport’s daffodil scenery​​.

Gourmet Delights and Historical Insights

April also offers a culinary journey with Newport Restaurant Week (April 14-23), where local eateries showcase their finest dishes with special discounts​​. For those with a penchant for history and culture, the Gilded Age Lecture Series at The Breakers provides a deep dive into an era that shaped modern America​​. These are surely some of the most popular things to do in Newport in April 2024

Green Animals Topiary Garden Opens (April 15)

Nature lovers can explore the Green Animals Topiary Garden as it opens for the season. The garden is a living museum of more than 80 sculptured trees and shrubs, alongside blooming flowers that signal the start of a colorful spring and summer​​.

Closing Thoughts on Things to Do in Newport in April 2024

April in Newport is a blend of natural beauty, cultural enrichment, and community celebration. Whether you’re racing through daffodils, sipping craft beer by the sea, or exploring the city’s historic charm, Newport offers a spring experience unlike any other.

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